Well, the weather is a lot more spring-like that it was a few days ago with our dusting of snow. However, that does not mean that flu season is over – in fact, we are seeing a lot of cases. St David’s is reporting that this season’s flu – both strains A and B – is more widespread compared to last year (story here).
There are some practical steps you can take regarding the flu:
- Wash your hands, and make sure surfaces are disinfected.
- Get immunized – it is not too late.
- Drink water – water can help strengthen your immune system, keeping the flu at bay (from webmd.com).
- If you get symptoms – the CDC now recommends anti-virals for many patients. Contact our office quickly if you get symptoms – as the sooner you take these, the more effective they are.
Some people have asked about the effectiveness of surgical masks to prevent the flu and other viruses. The answer is “Maybe”, and they certainly don’t hurt. However, they are not 100% effective. If you are sick, they can help prevent you from infecting other family members.