

Happy Fourth of July!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Fourth of July, whether you a choosing fireworks, hot dogs, parades, the Willie Nelson picnic, or all of the above!

Our office is closed on the Fourth, but of course you can reach me as always via mobile, text, or email.

Roxana Rhodes, MD

We are now 100% Paperless!

I am very pleased to announce that our office is now 100% paperless in terms of your patient records – the picture is of our last 3 boxes of paper records being sent to the shredder. All records have been transferred to our state of the art Electronic Medical Records system, and are available to you on your patient portal. This has been an important goal of mine for some time, as Electronic records are very helpful to patient care:

  • Your records are available to me and your other medical providers 24×7. If an emergency comes up, I can quickly coordinate your care with the hospital and any specialists.
  • The records are also available to you the patient to access at your convenience – and you can alert me if anything is missing or incorrect.
  • Your records are backed up to secure cloud storage and are safe in the event of fire or some other problem at our office.

Thank you to my staff member Suzanne who was instrumental in getting the project completed.

Happy Doctor’s Day!

Happy Doctor’s Day to my fellow physicians!

To honor the day, here is one of my favorite quotes:

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou

Accessing your Patient Portal

We highly recommend that all patients use our Patient Portal. You can do the following on your portal:

  • Contact us with medical and office questions, with complete security
  • Update your contact information
  • View your medical records including test results
  • View and pay patient account balances with credit card

Click Here to Access

If you do not have access to the portal, please contact our office and we will get you set up!

My Grandfather – Dr. Raul Lopez-Guerra of Fort Worth

Many of you know that I am a fourth generation physician, and a third generation Texas physician. I recently came across this interesting article in the Fort Worth Star Telegram about my grandfather Dr. Raul Lopez-Guerra. He was really a hero of his time, and I am glad to try to follow in his footsteps, as well as the footsteps of my father Raul and mother Alicia, who were also physicians who lived in Corpus Christi, TX.

8 statues Fort Worth needs: Forgotten leaders (who happened to be minorities or women)


Lopez Guerra (1898-1956) practiced medicine in Fort Worth for 30 years. He saw patients from across North Texas nine hours a day, seven days a week, regardless of whether they could pay. He and his musician wife, Aurelia, were active in city arts and civic groups, and spoke out against discrimination.

For the full article and video click here:

Introducing our new Facebook page.

We launched on Facebook!

We recently published our newest social media presence on the world’s largest social media platform. You’ll find our hours, location, pictures and periodic updates.

Please come friend us, engage, and see what we’re up to.